Hard & Soft Vise Jaws
Types of Hard & Soft Vise Jaws:
Standard: Fully machinable soft jaws, as supplied on our Production Vises & Columns
Extra Wide: Fully machinable soft jaws (-W)
Extra Tall: Fully machinable soft jaws (-T)
Hard Jaw Carriers: Drilled & tapped to accept hard jaw plates (-H)
Hard Jaw Plates: Hardened steel plates that bolt onto the hard jaw carriers (-H)
Hard & Soft Vise Jaws are offered in three
Jaw Sets: Include (2) moveable jaws & (1) fixed jaw
Moveable Jaws: Sold in pairs
Fixed Jaws: Sold separately
Features, Benefits, & Product
Rapid changeover from one workpiece to the next
Machine downtimes are minimized
Suitable for the milling of stop, supporting, & clamping surfaces
Quick set-up for formed parts and workpieces with complex clamping contours
Significant reduction in expenditure on fixtures
Standard Jaws are machinable aluminum
Steel jaws are available for all soft jaw sets. Add “-S” to the base part number. Example: “49420-S”
Part Number
A (In)
B (In)
C (In)
D (In)
E (In)